Nivea Men's Body Wash costs $3.14 and I had a $2.00 off coupon. This deal was sweeter last week b/c you could have stacked it with a $1.00 off Nivea body wash Target coupon, but alas, it expired and I had no time or purpose to go out to Target last week.
Nivea Shave Gel/Cream was on sale for $2.55. I had a $2.00 off coupon, making it $.55. I only bought this because someone in my house was asking for shave cream/gel. I do not buy random things just b/c they're on deal.
Lipton Ice Tea was free as always, just had to pay the $.05 CRV.
Feminine Care Products were $.99 but I had a coupon for a Free Feminine Care Product up to $1.00.
Liz Lange Maternity T-Shirt (which is just a regular really soft, thin T-shirt was on clearance for $3.24. I had a $3.00 off coupon, making it $.24.
Last, Ritz Crackerfuls, which I love and eat all the time were on sale for $2.40. There is a Target web coupon for $1.00 off. I stacked this with a manufacturer coupon for $1.00 off, making it $.40.

My grand total was $2.99 for everything you see in the picture.
In the next post, I'll show you why I actually went to Target. And no, I did not get a deal on the item I purchased :(.
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