If you live near an Albertsons, you NEED to do this deal today. Fiber One Brownies are on sale for 2/$5. You're gonna need 2 computers to print this coupon out 4 times: http://www.fiberone.com/offers/offers.aspx. That makes the brownies $1.75 a box. Note, you MUST buy 4 boxes for this deal to work. When you check out and have them scan your preferred card, you'll have to pay $7 out of pocket.
But then, the machine will print one $5 off coupon off your next purchase, and it will also print a $2 off coupon off your next purchase. This essentially makes this brownies FREE. Now, if you have other stuff to buy, then purchase these first on its own transaction, and put everything else on a second transaction.
In my case, my second transaction was Athenos Greek Yogurt. They are on sale 10/$10 (or $1 each), and I had two $1.00 off the purchase of two coupons, bringing them down to $2.00 for 4. I then used the $2 catalina coupon I got off the Fiber One brownies, making the yogurt FREE.
I am still holding onto the $5 off coupon off your next purchase. It expires 7/12/2011. The new advertisements come out tomorrow, so I have no doubt I'll be using this $5 off coupon soon. However, if I did have more groceries to buy, I would have just used it all on a second transaction.
Does this post make sense? Sometimes I think I only make sense to myself...
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