The vast majority of deals really require you to be in the right place at the right time. It takes a little bit of luck too, since sizes vary so much.
So I already kind of mentioned this on facebook, but I'll go into more detail here. Kohl's is having a clearance on "older style" running clothes to make room for new running clothes. This is important to note, because I only happens 2-3 times a year. There is always a major clearance on running clothes in general, right before the New Year (to align with people's New Year's resolutions) and there is always a sale on running clothes right before the summer (because this is when people renew their commitment to get in shape and get bikini ready, so they want the new styles in.) As a result, you can score ridiculous deals on running clothes right now. Here are three pairs of running shorts I recently bought:

Three pairs of running shorts I recently purchased at Kohls.
This first pair is the one I mentioned on FB. The original price was $30, but it was 90% off for $3.00. I had 30% off, making this $2.36.

This is another pair of Nike Dri-Fit running shorts. These were originally $25.00 and were 60% off for a total of $10.00. I had 30% off, making them $7.61. I like these b/c they're meshy like guys basketball shorts. Also, they are longer than running shorts and don't have the built in underwear, which I may sometimes refer to as the "diaper."

These last pair or running shorts are not Nike, but Tek Gear (which is a brand you can also find at Target.) They allegedly have "wicking" technology, which is the same as Nike's "dri-fit" technology. This pair was originally $24.00 but was 70% off for $7.20. With my 30% off and tax, it came out to: $5.48. I'm generally only a fan of Nike "Dri-Fit," but for the price, I figure I'd give these a shot.
I also picked up this pair of Sketcher's Shape-Ups for someone. If you know anything about Shape-Ups, you'll know that they brought in a new sportier line, so the original line of shoes is being discontinued, and therefore is on clearance.

This pair of Shape-Ups is marked as $110.00 originally. (This is a BS price, since they are always on sale for $79.99). The shoes were 80% off the original price, making them $22.00. I had 30% off, making them $15.40. Then, I had $10 Kohl's cash received from an earlier purchase, making them $8.41 after tax.
The last deal I got was for these reversible Nike-Dri Fit Sports Bras (blue/gray).

This is the front side.
They were originally $25.00 each but were marked down 80% off, making them $5. With my 30% off + tax, they cost me $3.61.

This is the inside, or the "reversible side."
I picked up two of these sports bras.
So end the Kohl's deals for this post! Till next time!