4 Bottles of Sweet Leaf Tea
Sale Price: 2/$2
- 2 x B1G1 Free Manufacturer's Coupons
Price After Coupon: $2.00 for 4 bottles + $.20 CRV
Softsoap Body Wash
Sale Price: $2.99
- $.75 off manufacturer's coupon
Price After Coupon: $2.24, but received $2.00 extrabucks
Skippy Peanut Butter
Sale Price: $1.66/jar
- $1.25 off 2 jars manufacturer's coupon
Price After Coupon: $2.07
2 Summer's Eve Feminine Wipes
Sale Price: $2.99 but B1G1 Free
- $2.00 off 2 manufacturer's coupon
Price After Coupon: $.99 for 2
Ritz Crackerfuls
Sale Price: $2.50
- $2.50 CVS Coupon
Price After Coupon: FREE
Brilliant PH Tampons
Sale Price: $6.79
- $1.00 manufacturer's coupon
Price After Coupon: $5.79, but received $6.79 extrabucks
St. John's Baby Aspirin
Sale Price: $2.00
- $1.00 manufacturer's coupon
Price After Coupon: $1.00, but received $1.00 extrabucks
CVS Allergy Medicine
Sale Price: $3.69
Price After No Coupon: $3.69, but received $3.69 extrabucks
Total Out of Pocket: $10.17, but received $13.48 in extrabucks to roll over for next time
i would get those cheapo tampons to wipe the floor after i spill juice or something