plus this:

I'm gonna talk about it once more here, and then I'm going to put this issue to rest. Now, the best way to do this is if you have 2 computers. With two computers, you can print 16 coupons and get 16 boxes of snacks, 8 boxes of Nature valley Granola Thins and 8 boxes of 90 calorie Fiber One Chewy Granola Bars or Brownies. If you only have one computer, you'll only get four of each box.
First, go to coupons.com and print out 2 $.50 off per box NV Granola Thins coupons and 2 $.40 off per box Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Granola/Brownie Bar coupons per computer you have (you're going to have to download and install the coupon installer if you haven't already). Next, sign up for a Pillsbury.com account (they only ask for an email and name - I use my junk email and just put my initials.) You can then print out 2 $.60 off per box NV Granola Thins coupons and 2 $.50 off Fiber One 90 calorie Chewy Granola/Brownie Bar coupons per computer.
Next, you should have at least 4 NV Granola Thins coupons printed out and cut, and 4 Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Granola Bar/Brownie coupons printed at cut. Obviously, you want to use the highest value coupons as possible to save the most money, given the choice.
Go to Albertsons and buy 4 NV Granola Thins boxes. You must buy 4. The boxes, using your preferred card, should cost you 2/$5. Therefore, 4 boxes should ring up a total of $10. After you hand over your manufacturer's coupons (the ones your printed from online), it should cost you $7.60-$8.00. Buying 4 boxes should yield you a $2 catalina (a coupon that prints at the cash register; see the second picture for what it looks like) and a $5 catalina (a coupon that prints at the cash register). Both will print, one after the other. You'll have to pay somewhere between $7.60-$8.00 depending on your coupons, and the catalinas will print after your receipt prints. Be sure to stay and collect the catalinas if the cashier does not hand them to you with your receipt.
Now, you can go in and out of the store if you'd feel more comfortable, but I just put one of the divider things and let them ring up my 4 boxes of Fiber One bars in a separate order. Again, you must buy 4 boses. They cost 2/$5, so 4 boxes should cost you $10.00 before coupons. Then you hand over the $2 catalina from the NV Granola Thins and the $5.00 catalina from the NV Granola Thins. You also hand over the 4 coupons you printed from either coupons.com or pillsbury.com. Your total, depending on the coupons you used should be $1.00-$1.40 for four boxes. After your receipt prints out, you should also get a print out of the $2 catalina and the $5 catalina. Again, be sure to stay until they are printed and handed over to you.
If you only printed 4 coupons of each type of product, then you can walk away with your 4 boxes of NV Granola thins, 4 boxes of Fiber one Brownies, and $7 worth of coupons off your next purchase (which you can use on just about anything).
If you were able to print 16 coupons, then you would just repeat the process again.
Eventually, after you use all your coupons, you should have 8 boxes of NV Granola Thins, 8 boxes of Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Granola Bars or Brownies, and one $2 catalina and one $5 catalina. You will have paid somewhere between $10-$13 out of pocket, but remember, you're still holding $7 in coupons off your next purchase. The only thing you have to be careful of, is not letting the $7 worth of catalinas expire before you use them. (You usually get around 2 weeks.)
Does this take a little bit of work? Yes. Is it that hard? No. It took me 10 minutes to print and clip the coupons and 5 transcations in 3 separate trips. (I basically did it every time I had a need to go to the store.)
If you have more than 2 computers, you could print even more coupons and keep doing this, but I limit this to only 2 household computers. But you could honestly keep going even if you run out of coupons because $3 for 4 boxes of NV Granola Thins or Fiber One bars is really cheap, but in all reality, who needs that much product?
Anyhow, good luck. Be legit and honest in your couponing. Happy Shopping.
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